non linear storytelling


With every new movement you need ground rules before anything gets out of hand,

But as girlboss entrepreneurs say: you need to know the rules to break them. I have created a list of commandments for everyone on this website to follow. If anyone tries to girlboss and break these rules I will personally come to your house and beat the shit out of you.

"You shall have no other gods before me"

Just as Yahweh freed the slaves from Egypt, I saved YOU! From an undetermined oppressive force to be announced at a later date. So don’t go thinking anyone else is anywhere close to me god wise.

If god had two tries with the commandments, we don’t have to get it right the first time. The oppressive force is likely parents who regret allowing their child internet access, or employers. Bottom line is if I see you with any other god, I will smite you down.
It’s not a toxic male relationship, it's a loving messiah.

"You shall not make for yourself an idol"

Not even if they are a beautiful Korean boy. No idols. Soon you’ll see my face in toast and the clouds and whatnot. The marketing team is working overtime to compete in this valuable ad space.

If you see another prophet’s face in your toast, it’s just a wild coincidence.

“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

All publicity is good publicity, take the quatroworld name any way you like. Taking names in vain drums up lots of business, after all.

Tell your friends: quatroworld is a @#$!%.

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.”

Why stop there? Every day is holy to quatroworld, we don’t discriminate. (Clarification: We discriminate everything except days.) We say have fun every day, a zero day work week. Finland don't stand a chance.

Love your off days and never work a day in your life.

“Honour thy father and thy mother.”

I say honor everyone, except law enforcement, exes, and minimum wage employees.

What have they ever done for you?

“Thou shalt not kill.”

Anyone, except law enforcement, exes, and minimum wage employees,

Just covering some bases, if you don’t allow leeway you are doomed to repent.

“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”

Now if you pay close attention this one prohibits sexual activity. No way. More people created means more chances for paying members.
We shall instead take a slightly different vow: “Thou shalt bypass maturity.”

Go instead from adolescence straight to senility.

“Thou shalt not steal.”

Do not steal. Though do plagiarize. If you want to get ahead in life ever. As I always say “Time is what we want most but what we use worst.” So don’t spend your time doing something silly like thinking, when you need to act.

There is a separate website for more of my quotes, go to

"You shall not give false testimony"

Never ever show up in court.

Hope you are keeping notes.

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife”

This is true, though keep in mind these commandments are invalid during maritime law. YAHOO FOR MARITIME LAW!!!! We can turn a blind eye if you can afford a boat. See also the quatroworld annual middle of the ocean meetup.

Notice how we say nothing about your neighbor’s husband #equalitywin.

As some of you may know, there’s a lot of trouble in commandments. Just a short while after Moses found the original commandments, he saw some children playing around and felt that they had broken commandments, so he smashed the original tablets on the side of a mountain.
That is the point of this web page.
To join please send 5 dollars to 4915 Clifton Hill. Timely payments are the closest thing to godliness, as they say.
Catch you later