The spotlight falls.. ON QUATRO

Love is learned through trial and error, in fact right now I am on trial for one of my errors.
This column is dedicated to Quatro, Quatro, Quatro and Quatro legal team, as they are representing me on trial, and I am of course paying them in publicity. Here we have the quatro legal team with a word on that:Guest column:
There is a lot of contention and rumors surrounding the Quatro, Quatro, Quatro and Quatro legal team. I am here to say that's all water under the bridge, which has floated down the stream of life, into the ocean of pity, where it evaporated, became a cloud, and came back to rain on my parade. The headlines are correct, we have broken up.Crossover with the real world

The cards are here, quatroworlds first crossover with the real world, coming to odd signboards and backpockets of unsuspecting passer-by near you.
Important note that the announcement was written before the news of their breaking up. I hope they do well on their future endeavors.
A video for you
Filled to the brim with amour, please enjoy