A story for you
11/16/24 The homeless night
For the first time in my life I do not have a place to sleep tonight, I can’t complain about my eighteen year housed run, things have worked out pretty good, but here is how I ended up here plus I got a moral at the end for you wonderful people, take a look:My train to Osaka was cancelled and no hotels are available, it’s currently 2am and I have walked all through downtown tokyo and checked at maybe 10 hotels, all of which are full because, duh, 2am on saturday in tokyo. As they say in situations like this “go to a 24 hour ramen shop” It’s one of those sayings that nobody says
Now it’s 2:30am, I am playing animal crossing wild world in a ramen shop, cold noodles in front of me, missed the last train, no hotel, you know the deal, but do not despair reader! Heroes have come to my aid, in the form of the witching hour ramen patrons,
Here is our cast: Next to me is a japanese guy with schizophrenia, which I strongly suspect that the voices in his head do not speak japanese, as he seems upset with them and keeps pointing at the menu, poor guy. There is also a nice old lady sleeping at the other end of the booth, we smiled at eachother so it is safe to say we are bffs. Between those two is a homeless dude sleeping, He saw me come in and gave up his tent right outside the ramen shop (prime property) which I can only attribute to the old saying “party don’t start until I walk in”. To the left of the ramen shop there was a bunch of businessmen laughing, telling stories, and having a great time, I suspect hard drugs are involved.
Our group, as it stands, is a schizophrenic guy, sweet old lady, gaggle of businessmen, and a homeless dude, but (here comes the moral) being the humanist I am, I notice that despite how different we all are, despite being from so many different walks of life, despite anything that seperates us, for just a few hours on this saturday night every one of us had something in common, we were all homeless.
Just not as much as the homeless dude.